Our Investment Strategy

DRA has employed a consistent, value-added investment strategy for over 38 years. Our investment philosophy is a conservative one, but we make sure to stay adaptive to changing market conditions. We target investments that offer competitive income returns and the potential for capital appreciation. Preservation of capital, downside protection and stability of cash flows are key elements of the firm's investment approach.
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How We Seize Opportunity

DRA's funds are designed to capitalize on inefficiencies in real estate markets. In doing so, we can acquire high-quality operating assets at discounts to replacement cost.

Unlocking Value

After an acquisition, DRA's dual expertise in both real estate operations and capital market dynamics helps drive the execution of the investment strategy. Our team will also employ value-enhancement strategies to improve an investment's potential for capital appreciation.

What Sets Us Apart
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Cohesive, experienced team

Collectively, our partners have an average of 29 years’ experience in real estate, in addition to an average tenure of 25 years with DRA. Together, they have executed our value-added strategy since our very start.

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Independent thinking

We believe in supporting big thinkers, which is why we’ve built a progressive work environment free of bureaucratic interference. We encourage independence of thought, active questioning, and a critical attitude. Among our leadership, there is a drive to evolve beyond conventional wisdom – something that is reflected in our innovative approach to investing.

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Alignment of Interests

We recognize the importance of aligning our interests with those of our clients. As founders and owners of the company, DRA's partners have dedicated their careers to investing on behalf of our clients. Furthermore, the partners invest personal capital in our funds and share the firm's incentive compensation with key professionals across the organization.

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Strong deal flow

The DRA professional network is vast and acts as a consistent source of opportunity. By fostering our industry relationships, our team effectively sources acquisitions, often at extremely attractive price points. What’s more, DRA's reputation as a reliable and efficient buyer further enhances our ability to source high-quality investments for our funds.

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Value-added strategies

For over three decades, DRA has executed its value-added investment approach to great success. We seek out investments with attractive cash flow potential and make a conscious effort to curate a diverse range of property types across the United States.

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Capital markets expertize

DRA has developed a proprietary capital markets team that is equipped to structure all forms of secured and unsecured financing and preferred equity. Skilled in complex corporate transactions, this team has built deep relationships with key lenders, including commercial banks, Wall Street-sponsored organizations, and insurance companies, enabling us to obtain low-cost financing to facilitate the execution of our business plans.

Our Client Service Commitment
Quality service is a core part of our investment strategy. To do the best by our clients, we maintain open communication through both formal and informal channels. Our team issues timely and comprehensive quarterly reports, as well as routinely creating custom reports to meet client needs on a one-time or ongoing basis.

Our investors are partners in our business and their success is our success.
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Get in Touch
Have a question for us? Reach out via our contact page and a member of the DRA team will get in touch.